Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)

The MASW is a seismic method used to evaluate the shear-wave velocities of subsurface materials through the analysis of the dispersion of Rayleigh surface waves (ground roll). The data are collected on the surface without the need of boreholes.


Some of the practicable applications include:

  • Depth to Bedrock - Rippability
  • Sediment thickness
  • Soil classification
  • Fractured zone mapping
  • Karst detection (void Detection)
  • Buried stream channel location
  • Environmental Site Assessments
  • Flow pathway location
  • Foundation studies – Structural Review
  • Soil Improvement/ Grouting
  • Borehole Siting
  • Utility corridor Exploration (sewer coarse definition)
  • Required Noninvasive examination

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Our Most Sought-After Services

We apply our unique array of geo-technical devices in a variety of ways, but most likely you will be looking for one of these services:

Plugged and Abandoned Well Locating

Using the latest in geophysical and magnetic instruments we are able to precisely map and locate all your abandoned well structures quickly and cost-effectively.

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Contaminant Plume Detection and Mapping

Our team can quickly and thoroughly conduct an independent electromagnetic (EM) survey that will show the extent of impacted soils without disturbing the ground.

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Underground Storage Tank and Pipe Surveying

Often our clients are the proud new owners of property once used as a service station or occupied by the military where evidence of underground tanks is still present. 

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