Vibration / Seismic Monitoring

Heavy-handed pounding and earth-shaking construction activities can have deleterious effects on surrounding infrastructure and furthermore can become an open invitation to litigation.  Nobody wants that.  So, we provide services to both the client and the community to monitor and record seismic vibration activity so that communities are safe and our developmental clients can work safely to achieve their desired results.

Using smartly placed sensors our team can produce records of ground roll, movement and vibration across the affected area as a result of seismic surveying, pile driving, building demolition or any variety of intense activity.

Given the wide variety of situational demands and the complexity of record keeping we do not presume to address here all of the many nuances so instead we invite you to call and bring our team in to evaluate your project and produce a comprehensive plan of action.  Call Earth Measurement Corporation today.


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Our Expert Team

The EMC team is highly trained and experienced in geophysical science - and ready to serve you today!

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