Sinkhole / Void / Karst Detection & Soil Characterization

In some cases, the key to understanding the subsurface isn’t so much a matter of what’s there, as it is of what isn’t. Often dissolution features (e.g. voids, sinkholes, Karst) develop, as the result of water movement through subsurface drainage systems within soluble rocks (i.e. limestone, dolomite). These voids create impediments to a stable construction foundation - particularly in near-surface situations.

Moreover, operating heavy equipment when uncharted gaps exist beneath the surface, can be extremely dangerous.

In industrial landscapes we find that faulty construction, pipeline leaks or rogue chemical dispersions, are generally culprit in an accelerated rate of soil erosion and void features. More often than not, these problems are identified within the first ten feet of ground.

At other times, our professionals are called to help mitigate the morphological features of karst topography prior to pier installation, where void development is known/unknown to occur, requiring thorough investigation and mapping to aid in construction development. Depending on your absolute survey depth and budget, EMC offers multiple instrumentation that can accurately detect and subsurface structures and voids.

With the employment of micro-gravity equipment, we can survey to an accuracy of 0.01 mGal and precisely record the relative changes in gravity over short distances, reflecting minute changes in density of the subsurface.

Using the MASW Seismic equipment can provide information to measure the arrangement of overburden and bedrock including the absence of material.


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