SuperSting R8 Induced Polarization Meter

When performing large resistivity surveys, EMC uses a SuperSting R8 Induced Polarization Meter

EMC uses the Advanced Geosciences, Inc. SuperSting R8 IP Electrical Resistivity system and either the Wenner or Schulmberger Arrays to measure resistivity soundings.  Raw sounding data are analyzed using a state-of-the-art computer program, Interpex’s RESIX, to transform the raw data into the required resistivity versus depth distribution.

Direct Current (DC) resistivity measurements are made by injecting electrical current into the ground via a pair of metal electrodes driven into the soil and then measuring the resulting voltages set up on an independent pair of similar electrodes.  Expanding the geometry of the four-electrode set results in deepening the depth-of-investigation.  By matching the observed data of instrument reading versus electrode spacing with the theoretical results predicted by a layered earth model, a best-fitting model of the subsurface is found.  Such a procedure is termed a vertical electrical sounding (VES) and is used to determine the vertical distribution of resistivity (layer resistivity versus depth).

Key Benefits

  • 8 Channel simultaneous measure capability, cuts field time dramatically!
  • High power transmitter.  Can use both 12V and 24V batteries for added power
  • Field adapted rugged construction.  Built to last in real conditions
  • Easy to use menu driven system
  • The best accuracy and noise performance in the industry!
  • Large capacity internal memory for storage of measurement results
  • User programmed measure cycles can be loaded into memory from a PC and later executed in the field
  • Directly controls the Multi-Channel Swift Dual Mode Automatic Multi-electrode system
  • Induced Polarization mode records 6 individual IP chargeability windows
  • Manual measurements are available via four banana pole screws on the top of the instrument for connecting current and potential electrodes.  Manual measurement array types include: Resistance, Schlumberger, Wenner, Dipole-dipole, Pole-dipole, and Pole-pole